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Healthy Road Trip Snacks


As we plan our upcoming trip to the Black Hills for Christmas, I have been getting together some healthy snacks for the trek. Since we will be bringing 6 of the 9 kids with us, we like to be prepared because it saves both time and money!

We usually have one soft sided cooler for items that need to stay cold, and a tote with pre-portioned snacks.

We also bring ice packs and frozen water bottles.


  • Dry Cereal
  • Cut up fruit or bananas
  • Breakfast Shakes
  • Poptarts

We always like to have just basic snacks on hand too. We portion them out into containers so its easy to grab for each kiddo. Try any of these in combination

  • Hard Boiled eggs
  • Carrots
  • Apples
  • Cucumbers
  • Humus for dipping
  • Pita Bread or other snack breads
  • cheese sticks or string cheese
  • almonds
  • popcorn
  • Yogurt Tubes
  • Trail Mix
  • Dried Fruit
  • Raisons
  • Mandarin oranges


We try not to go all out for lunch, but we understand that a PB&J can be boring, so we often try deli sandwiches with some crackers, fruits, or protein bars.

Lunch Combinations

  • PB&J
  • Deli Sandwitches
  • Fruits / Vegetables
  • Snack Crickers
  • Snack Breads
  • Humus
  • Protein Bars
  • Shakes


We almost always go out for a nice dinner when we are on road trips. It gets the kiddos out of the car, we get to try new places, and its a great opportunity to regroup and relax.

Tips for Packing Food for the Trip

We pre-portion out our snacks into baggies, but we also have used little snack cups and just refill them as we go. I have found that things stay more organized and manageable however if we pre-portion the snacks in advance.

Although they take up more space- Tupperware with dividers in them can be helpful to pack a “sack lunch” that is easily accessible and already pre-portioned.

Keep a Cleanup Kit

We always pack a kit that has clorox wipes, paper towels, and extra bags for garbage!

Want more tips and tricks? Try our “Camping with Kids Packing Tips” or Things to Know before visiting the Wizarding World of Harry Potter!

The Untamed Mom



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